【Earthenware YAKISHIME 土器・やきしめ】Special Exhibition -Earthenware ‘Yakishime’-

開催期間:2019年3月15日(金) ~ 2019年3月26日(火)Exhibition : March 15 to March 26, 2019

弥生壷 Vessel, Yayoi

【Earthenware YAKISHIME 土器・やきしめ】Special Exhibition -Earthenware ‘Yakishime’-
31.6 /H31.0cm

No.1 縄文式壷形土器 Vessel, Jomon

【Earthenware YAKISHIME 土器・やきしめ】Special Exhibition -Earthenware ‘Yakishime’-
15.6 /H16.6cm
縄文時代晩期 東北地方出土 / Late Jomon era 1000 B.C. ~300 B.C.
三木文雄箱 / With Box signed by Miki Fumio

No.2 縄文朱塗壷形土器 Vase, Jomon

【Earthenware YAKISHIME 土器・やきしめ】Special Exhibition -Earthenware ‘Yakishime’-
8.7 /H10.0cm
¥550,000(税込 / including tax)

No.3 縄文朱塗壷形土器 Vase, Jomon

【Earthenware YAKISHIME 土器・やきしめ】Special Exhibition -Earthenware ‘Yakishime’-
7.7 /H11.0cm

No.4 弥生壷 Vessel, Yayoi

【Earthenware YAKISHIME 土器・やきしめ】Special Exhibition -Earthenware ‘Yakishime’-
31.6 /H31.0cm

No.5 森陶岳 彩紋壷 Vessel by MORI Togaku

【Earthenware YAKISHIME 土器・やきしめ】Special Exhibition -Earthenware ‘Yakishime’-
27.6 /H25.5cm
「森陶岳の全貌展」出品作品 1975年 / Made in 1975
共箱 / With Box signed by the artist

No.6 須恵器壷 Vessel, Sue ware

【Earthenware YAKISHIME 土器・やきしめ】Special Exhibition -Earthenware ‘Yakishime’-
20.4 /H20.0cm
¥1,200,000(税込 / including tax)

No.7 加守田章二 灰釉花瓶 Vessel, Ash glazed by KAMODA Shoji

【Earthenware YAKISHIME 土器・やきしめ】Special Exhibition -Earthenware ‘Yakishime’-
19.6 /H18.0cm
共箱 / With Box signed by the artist
¥1,000,000(税込 / including tax)

No.8 江崎一生 小壷 Small Vessel by EZAKI Issei

【Earthenware YAKISHIME 土器・やきしめ】Special Exhibition -Earthenware ‘Yakishime’-
7.6 /H8.1cm
共箱 / With Box signed by the artist

No.9 須恵器フラスコ形瓶 Vase, Sue ware, Flask-shaped

【Earthenware YAKISHIME 土器・やきしめ】Special Exhibition -Earthenware ‘Yakishime’-
18.6 / 14.6 / H24.6cm
『陶器全集 第二巻 上代の壷』1959年平凡社刊 所載作品
¥1,000,000(税込 / including tax)

No.10 加守田章二 壷 Vessel by KAMODA Shoji

【Earthenware YAKISHIME 土器・やきしめ】Special Exhibition -Earthenware ‘Yakishime’-
35.6 /H31.0cm
共箱 / With Box signed by the artist

No.11 内田鋼一 加彩大壷 Vessel by UCHIDA Koichi

【Earthenware YAKISHIME 土器・やきしめ】Special Exhibition -Earthenware ‘Yakishime’-
48.6 /H48.0cm
共箱 / With Box signed by the artist

No.12 古信楽壷 Vessel, Shigaraki

【Earthenware YAKISHIME 土器・やきしめ】Special Exhibition -Earthenware ‘Yakishime’-
27.6 /H30.5cm
※お問い合わせ下さい / Please inquiry

No.13 北大路魯山人 信楽花入 Vessel, Shigaraki by KITAOJI Rosanjin

【Earthenware YAKISHIME 土器・やきしめ】Special Exhibition -Earthenware ‘Yakishime’-
28.5 /H29.3cm
共箱 / With Box signed by the artist
※お問い合わせ下さい / Please inquiry

No.14 紅陶鬹 Vessel

【Earthenware YAKISHIME 土器・やきしめ】Special Exhibition -Earthenware ‘Yakishime’-
19.0 / 17.8 / H24.3cm
大汶口文化 / Donkey culture 4100 B.C. ~2600 B.C.

No.15 キプロス 二彩円文手付壷 Jug, Cyprus

【Earthenware YAKISHIME 土器・やきしめ】Special Exhibition -Earthenware ‘Yakishime’-
10.0 /H14.0cm
紀元前1000年紀 / Cypro-Geometric era 1000 B.C.
市川清箱 / With Box signed by Kiyoshi Ichikawa

No.16 キプロス 彩色円心文手付壷 Jug, Cyprus

【Earthenware YAKISHIME 土器・やきしめ】Special Exhibition -Earthenware ‘Yakishime’-
20.2 /H26.0cm
¥800,000(税込 / including tax)

No.17 松永圭太 蛻 ‘Ecdysis’ by MATSUNAGA Keita

【Earthenware YAKISHIME 土器・やきしめ】Special Exhibition -Earthenware ‘Yakishime’-
36.0 / 26.8 / H22.6cm
共箱 / With Box signed by the artist

No.18 松永圭太 蛻 ‘Ecdysis’ by MATSUNAGA Keita

【Earthenware YAKISHIME 土器・やきしめ】Special Exhibition -Earthenware ‘Yakishime’-
25.0 / 18.8 / H18.6cm
共箱 / With Box signed by the artist
¥97,200(税込 / including tax)

No.19 松永圭太 蛻 ‘Ecdysis’ by MATSUNAGA Keita

【Earthenware YAKISHIME 土器・やきしめ】Special Exhibition -Earthenware ‘Yakishime’-
37.4 / 26.4 / H24.5cm
共箱 / With Box signed by the artist

No.24 テラコッタ 羊頭飾舟形容器

【Earthenware YAKISHIME 土器・やきしめ】Special Exhibition -Earthenware ‘Yakishime’-
16.4 / 12.8 / H11.8㎝
市川清箱 / With Box signed by Kiyoshi Ichikawa
¥280,000(税込 / including tax)
※ ご紹介しております中には、ご売約戴いている作品もございます。
※ 作品の詳細等のお問い合わせ、ご予約等はしぶや黒田陶苑までご連絡ください。
電話 :03-3499-3225  E-mail :info@kurodatoen.co.jp
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