【曜変天目 瀬戸毅己展】Exhibition of SETO Takemi

開催期間:2019年5月24日(金) ~ 2019年5月28日(火)Exhibition : May 24 to May 28, 2019
『東山御物』にある美の中でも茶碗の王座を占めていた曜変天目は、天空の神秘さを思わせ珍重されている。現在、その国宝『曜変天目』の三碗が、MIHO MUSEUM、静嘉堂文庫美術館、奈良国立博物館で同時期に公開という千載一遇のとき、第二回「曜変天目 瀬戸毅己展」の開催の運びとなった。


前回、ご好評をいただいた「曜変天目 瀬戸毅己展」から丸一年が経過して、この一年間、曜変天目を狙った窯焚は八十回に及んだ。前回より十回増えたことになる。

When the rare opportunity that all the tree national treasures of Yohen Tenmoku are exhibited at the same time in three Japanese museums surprised and amused us, the exhibition of SETO Takemi, who is a living master of Yohen Tenmoku, is going to be held at Shibuya Kurodatoen.

Yohen tenmoku has been treasured since 14th century, because of its mystical enchantment like the universe, which was in the collection of important and valuable artefacts by Ashikaga Shogunate, called Higashiyama Treasure.
Producing Yohen Tenmoku needs a high specialty. Neither IHIGURO Munemaro, the first holder of Important Intangible Cultural Properties, nor OKABE Mineo, the grand master of Yohen Beishokuji, had not succeeded its reproduction, nor do the present artists go beyond.

Mr. SETO Takemi, whose Yohen tenmoku had highly evaluated in the exhibition held last year, tried more than eighty firing. The advantages of his kiln are pursuit researches on glaze, black clay with adulterant and unstable oil kiln. Controlling the temperature in oil kilns is more difficult than gas or electric so that he often ends up with no satisfied items produced. The oil kilns are not used widely, but what he expects is it has a possibility to produce something similar to ones by wood kiln.
Every time he changes glaze, clay and how he fires like testing
He never keeps his eyes off from the kiln while firing, concentrating on how the temperature changes, keeping it from 1310 to 1350 Celsius high.

He succeeded to get excellent works with full of energy of the black clay by controlling the unexpected fire movement. Expecting his going higher, I asked him to reproduce Yohen Tenmoku with handsome and elegant atmosphere, and most importantly one with the essential deepness, at high temperature. The exhibiting works will go beyond his works ever exhibited.

Shibuya Kurodatoen
KURODA Kusaomi

曜変天目 瀬戸毅己展

【曜変天目 瀬戸毅己展】Exhibition of SETO Takemi
2019年5月24日(金) ~ 28日(火)

No.1 曜変天目 / Tea bowl, Yohen Tenmoku

【曜変天目 瀬戸毅己展】Exhibition of SETO Takemi
W12.1 / H6.6cm
¥864,000(税込 / including tax)

No.1 曜変天目 (同見込み) / Tea bowl, Yohen Tenmoku

【曜変天目 瀬戸毅己展】Exhibition of SETO Takemi
W12.1 / H6.6cm
¥864,000(税込 / including tax)

No.2 曜変天目 / Tea bowl, Yohen Tenmoku

【曜変天目 瀬戸毅己展】Exhibition of SETO Takemi
W12.0 / H7.4cm
¥864,000(税込 / including tax)

No.2 曜変天目 (同見込み) / Tea bowl, Yohen Tenmoku

【曜変天目 瀬戸毅己展】Exhibition of SETO Takemi
W12.0 / H7.4cm
¥864,000(税込 / including tax)

No.3 曜変天目 / Tea bowl, Yohen Tenmoku

【曜変天目 瀬戸毅己展】Exhibition of SETO Takemi
W11.9 / H6.9cm
¥864,000(税込 / including tax)

No.3 曜変天目 (同見込み) / Tea bowl, Yohen Tenmoku

【曜変天目 瀬戸毅己展】Exhibition of SETO Takemi
W11.9 / H6.9cm
¥864,000(税込 / including tax)

No.4 曜変天目 / Tea bowl, Yohen Tenmoku

【曜変天目 瀬戸毅己展】Exhibition of SETO Takemi
W11.9 / H7.0cm
¥864,000(税込 / including tax)

No.4 曜変天目 (同見込み) / Tea bowl, Yohen Tenmoku

【曜変天目 瀬戸毅己展】Exhibition of SETO Takemi
W11.9 / H7.0cm
¥864,000(税込 / including tax)

No.5 曜変天目 / Tea bowl, Yohen Tenmoku

【曜変天目 瀬戸毅己展】Exhibition of SETO Takemi
W11.8 / H6.6cm
¥864,000(税込 / including tax)

No.5 曜変天目 (同見込み) / Tea bowl, Yohen Tenmoku

【曜変天目 瀬戸毅己展】Exhibition of SETO Takemi
W11.8 / H6.6cm
¥864,000(税込 / including tax)
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電話 :03-3499-3225  E-mail :info@kurodatoen.co.jp
※ 写真掲載外にも茶碗・盃の出品作品がございます。