No.13 彩瓷鉢 Bowl, Chalk-like glaze

石黒宗麿 / ISHIGURO Munemaro

  • 「13. 石黒宗麿 彩瓷鉢 / ISHIGURO Munemaro Bowl, Chalk-like glaze」の写真 その1

with box signed by the artist

43cmを超える大鉢で宗麿先生の作られた中では最大級の作品である。琵琶を奏でる楽人や赤子を背負う人、歌を唄う人々、踊る人などの団欒図がチョーク描きと青釉、緑釉、黄釉を用いて描かれている。彼らの背景もやはり筆で描かれておりその釉薬の濃淡とザラッとした釉肌が趣を添えている。本作品は1981(昭和56)年の東京国立近代美術館での石黒宗麿展の図録の表紙になっており、その後も回顧 展などで紹介されている。宗麿先生の名作の一つである。

1981年東京国立近代美術館他『石黒宗麿 陶芸の心とわざ』出展作品
東京国立近代美術館編「陶芸 石黒宗麿作品集」所載作品

It is one of the largest bowls that Mr. Munemaro ever made, measuring over 43 cm. Using chalk drawings and blue, green, and yellow glazes, it depicts a group of people in circle, including a musician playing a Biwa, a person carrying a baby on his back, people singing songs, and dancing.. Their backgrounds are also painted with brushes, and the shade and rough surface of the glaze adds to the atmosphere.
This work was featured on the cover of the catalogue of the exhibition of Munemaro Ishiguro at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo in 1981, and has been introduced in retrospective exhibitions since then. It is one of the masterpieces of Mr. Munemaro.

*Listed in “the exhibition of ISHIGURO Munemaro-the spirit and the techniques of pottery” at The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, 1981
*“The exhibition of ISHIGURO Munemaro” at The Shoto Museum of Art, and other museums, 2015
*Listed on “the pottery book of ISHIBURO Munemaro”, edited by The national Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo.
