消費税率改正に伴うお知らせ (2019年10月より10%となります)

萩角香合 Incense box

三輪 休和(十代休雪)/ KYUWA MIWA
  • 萩角香合
  • 萩角香合
  • 萩角香合
  • 萩角香合
  • 萩角香合
  • 萩角香合
  • 萩角香合






It is like a small stone covered with snow.
MIWA Kazuhiko is very good at creating small incense burner in a very short period of time with his spatula, thanks to his experience in his young making delicate elaborate works,
The attached area of lid and mouth, and inside the container are not glazed so that you can see the soft clay, which he achieved to express the heartwarming spring snow.
The glaze is called “Kyusetsu-shiro (white)”, which MIWA Kyuwa, Kusetsu the X, started to glaze on any size of works that used to traditionally be glazed only on large sized works.

He makes his original Hagi glaze by rice straws that he cultivates. It is said to be very important not to pound the powder fine in order to get beautiful white.

Incent is used for clear mind of people participating a tea ceremony, and the tearoom itself.
His incense box must change the air fresh, mild and warm.
お問合せ番号 No.(10)KM-4
共箱(With wood box titled, signed and sealed by artist)
¥385,000 (税込 / including tax)

三輪 休和(十代休雪) 作品一覧